Mike’s Story

Mike got into trouble with debt whilst off sick from work, which left him struggling with depression and anxiety. GroceryAid provided practical advice and support.


Mike has worked at a supermarket for the last 10 years but over the past year, he has suffered from depression and anxiety which has led him to have time off work. His sick pay ran out causing a reduction in his income which meant he was unable to fully pay his priority bills.

GroceryAid put Mike in contact with StepChange who provided in depth debt advice and worked with him to create a long-term plan to get his finances back on track. When reviewing his options and the advice given, Mike decided to proceed with a debt management plan. GroceryAid helped with a financial grant to reduce the monthly payments. Mike is also using the GroceryAid Helpline for emotional support and has been offered structured counselling to work through his depression and anxiety.

“I feel more hopeful that I will be able to stay in control of my bills now that I have a plan in place.”

To access debt advice, visit the link below.

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