Access Relate through GroceryAid funded counselling

GroceryAid has partnered with Relate to provide funded counselling and support for grocery colleagues.

Relate have Centres across the UK and a network of licensed local counsellors offering counselling in person, over the phone and online so you can choose the support that works for you.

Relate has over 75 years’ experience of providing relationship support to couples and families. They help over one million people, just like you and me, in the UK every year.

Their counsellors and therapists are non-judgemental, impartial and everything you tell them is completely confidential unless someone’s personal safety is at risk. They have local centres across the UK where you can receive trusted counselling and support.

We can help you access a range of free services from Relate, including:

  • Couples Relationship Counselling

    If you’re facing problems in your relationship or you’d like to understand your partner better, counselling can help you talk through what’s going on and enable you to make positive changes. GroceryAid fund Relationship Counselling through Relate for couples.

    Relate we will first help you to identify and clarify the issues you are facing in your relationship/s. If following an assessment they recommend relationship counselling is the best way forward, GroceryAid will fund up to six counselling sessions in total including the assessment.

  • One Session Relationship Therapy

    One session therapy is designed to help couples work through a specific issue. Example issues might include getting through a breakup, disagreements over parenting approaches, how menopause is affecting your relationships or not getting along with your in-laws.

    It’s perfect for couples who can identify one specific skill they want to build or problem they want to work on. It’s perfect for those who want to strengthen their relationship, but don’t think their area of concern needs to be addressed over the traditional six sessions of counselling.

  • Individual Counselling

    Relationship Counselling for individuals is provided through our 24/7 free, confidential Helpline. You can speak to a BACP accredited counsellor at any time of the day or night as often as you need to. Structured counselling either face to face , online or by telephone is available subject to a counselling assessment. GroceryAid do not fund individual counselling through Relate.

  • Family Counselling

    Family counselling can help when siblings aren’t getting on, or when parents and children are going through a divorce or separation. Forming a new family is a challenge and it is at this point that many parents some need support to help everyone settle. Or maybe your family is looking to implement some new rituals and wants a bit of guidance. Whatever difficulties you’re having as a family, Relate can help.

  • Sex Therapy

    It’s natural to want better sex and sometimes there are specific reasons for your difficulties. Don’t be embarrassed about it, get help instead. Sex therapy helps those who are experiencing difficulty in their love life, and those who want to improve physical intimacy.

    Everyone goes through phases where they don’t have the time or energy for regular sex. If this has become the norm and you would like to rediscover your sex life, sex therapy might be for you.

  • Young People’s Counselling Ages 11-18

    If young people in your family are experiencing problems at school, issues with family members of friends or generally not feeling like themselves. Counselling lets them talk about how they feel, separate from school and home life and can help them get back to enjoying life. GroceryAid also offers online counselling for young people via Kooth.

  • Children’s Counselling Ages 5-10

    Relate offer a children’s counselling service for children between the ages of five and ten. The focus will always be around the wellbeing and experience of your child, even though you or those with parental responsibility for your child may be present. Children’s counselling might be offered to a child struggling with things like stress or anxiety, family change like a parental divorce, or academic pressure.

You can read more about the different types of counselling or to chat with Relate about what to expect here.

How to apply

We will fund up to six Relate sessions per household. To apply for Relate funding, you just need to provide evidence of your grocery employment.
Once you have this ready, please click the Application Form button below.

If your funding is authorised you will receive an email giving you the Relate telephone number and your authorisation Code.

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