Ali’s Story

When Ali and his work colleagues experienced a threatening burglary to their store, GroceryAid were there to help


Ali has owned his local village shop for over 10 years alongside a small team of four employees. Late one evening, Ali and two colleagues were closing the store, when several disguised individuals burgled the premises. They stole money, products and used threatening behaviour towards the staff, leaving Ali and his two employees incredibly shaken up.

Ali had taken all the right legal steps during and after the incident for his business, but it became apparent that his colleague Dev was struggling long term with terrible nightmares, insomnia and flashbacks from the burglary. This is when Ali made the call to the free and confidential GroceryAid Helpline, where he spoke to a BACP trained counsellor about support for his team.

After relaying the incident and explaining his colleague’s worries, a Critical Incident report was raised and it was arranged for a trauma support specialist to visit the store and speak to colleagues. a Clinical Counsellor was promptly arranged to be sent out to Ali’s store. Together they helped them understand the feelings the incident had triggered and gave advice on how they can access support in the coming weeks.

“After a threatening and violent burglary in my store, it became too much for my colleague to deal with. The mental wellbeing of my staff is so important which is why I reached out to GroceryAid.”


GroceryAid’s free and confidential Helpline and website were signposted to all colleagues at Ali’s store for future support, advice and information.

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